Core Values form our fundamental belief system. They are the critical subset of all of the values that make up our personality.

Our core values are vitally important to finding meaning in life, and are the main factor that we consider when we create our purpose statement.

Our values are the concepts that determine what we believe is right, and what we believe is wrong. We seek out people who share our values. It is easy to maintain friendships and good relations with people from different family backgrounds, countries, cultures, and religions, when they share similar values. It can be very challenging to maintain healthy relationships with people who do not share our values, even when they are our family members.

Core Value Examples:

Below is a list of values that people might have. It is not a short list, but even so, it is far from a complete list. You may find it a useful start to selecting the values that are most important to you. I suggest writing down your top ten, and then, from your “Top Ten List”, work really hard to pull out your top two or three. These are your core values, and will be used to create your “Purpose Statement“.

• Acceptance
• Accomplishment
• Accountability
• Achievement
• Activity
• Adaptability
• Adventure
• Ambition
• Artistry
• Authenticity
• Authority
• Autonomy
• Boldness
• Bravery
• Caring
• Candour
• Challenge
• Clarity
• Collaboration
• Communication
• Community
• Compassion
• Compromise
• Contribution
• Curiosity
• Dedication
• Dependability
• Determination
• Diversity
• Education
• Efficiency
• Empathy
• Enthusiasm
• Equality
• Equity

• Fame
• Family
• Fairness
• Flexibility
• Freedom
• Friendliness
• Friendship
• Fun
• Generosity
• Growth
• Happiness
• Health
Helping others
• Honesty
• Humility
• Humour
• Improvement
• Inclusion
• Ingenuity
• Innovation
• Integrity
• Intelligence
• Kindness
• Knowledge
• Leadership
• Learning
• Liberty
• Loyalty
• Meaning
• Mindfulness
• Musicality
• Nature
• Nurturing
• Optimism
• Participation
• Patience

• Perseverance
• Popularity
• Power
• Practicality
• Productivity
• Progress
• Punctuality
• Quality
• Recognition
• Relationships
• Reliability
• Reputation
• Resourcefulness
• Respect
• Responsibility
• Safety
• Security
• Self-improvement
• Service
• Sharing
• Simplicity
• Spirituality
• Stability
• Status
• Steadfastness
• Success
• Sustainability
• Sympathy
• Teamwork
• Tenacity
• Transparency
• Trustworthiness
• Wealth
• Wisdom
• Work-life balance

Even though there are several values in the list that are important to me, I have highlighted my top three as an example.

Can you find your three most important core values in the list?

What other values would you add to this list?

Here are a few more resources that you might find helpful: